Monday, November 19, 2007

Change is coming...

Actually change has come.
I am hoping that I can get you guys' feedback on my NEW BLOG ( )- there's a link over on the right hand side of this page it's called DEEPEST HONESTY
I am revealing my innermost joys, pains, hopes and struggles via my favorite outlet of all time: Poetry and rhyme. HOLD ON don't get turned off thinking this will be some wacky-wack, artsy fartsy, Shakespearian fluffy poo stuff - cuz it sure won't be ! Far from it - I assure you. Some folks say that they've never read anything like my works before: gut-wrenching honesty, courageous self-exposure and a very interesting ability to touch the readers' spirits. Don't take my word for it - visit my blog and share your views and feedback with the world (we really want to know what you think).
Just for today: I can do something different; I am no longer bound by the limitations of the past.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Checking In...

Life has been moving right along. Change has come whether I've wanted it or not. Friends have died of overdoses, some have relapsed, a lot have been staying clean.
Through it all, I have been staying clean - Thank God.
I have taken on a job which I love and yet the boss seems to be trying to get rid of me - it's not paranoia because others see it too. Oh well, there will be other jobs.
There was this other really nice job (with great pay and benefits) that I was hoping to get. I was qualified and they wanted me but the unthinkable happened: My old job had been bought out by another company and then they were bought out by yet another company - which made verifying my employment very, very difficult. Soooo... no employment verification - no job. Oh well there will be other jobs.
Then there's my trusty relationship - with all its ups and downs. Now we have been on an up-swing lately, we've both been working out and eating right, getting along and everything and yet... after being semi-distant for so long I can't help but wonder if we'll ever find our way back to where we once were. I keep holding on. Oh well I know there'll never be another lady in my life quite like the one I have.
I shut down my business. It was very difficult - some people were disappointed, I was kind of ashamed as if to say that I was a failure - that's all my fragile self-esteem needs to hear. Oh well, thank God I have a sponsor and a God to help restore me to sanity.
Just for today: Life is good and I don't really believe that this is as good as it gets - i think there's more good to come if i stay on the path.