Saturday, September 1, 2007

Real funny, ha...ha...

Somebody has a real nice sense of humor it seems. I changed sponsors a few months ago because our schedules weren't meshing and I was stagnating in my stepwork. So I made the decision and chose a new sponsor who is already a really good friend (15 years clean, soft-spoken, knowledgeable and very supportive). So now I got this new sponsor and I immediately begin procrastinating on my step-work. After a while I got busy and finally finished my first step (not for the first time by the way) and we made an appointment to go over it. Now wouldn't you know... my new sponsor and I have had to reschedule the appointment about 5 times. I can't say that I am really angry, disappointed or anything like that. I know that I have to look at the part that I play in this situation - I chose this guy. When I really think about it, this shouldn't have even surprised me. I've known this man for a few years and even though we talk on the phone alot, I realize that we talk primarily while he's at work. He's a truck driver and when he's on the road he has plenty of time. When he's not on the road he rarely has time at all. This has always been the case - I just never looked at it. So now that this is happening I've come to realize that maybe I believed that he would be different when it comes to sponsorship/step-work. And maybe he will in time, I'm not really impatient (right now). It's been less than a month that we've been trying to get together. Anyway in my sickest thinking - I feel like maybe I gotta go find another sponsor. But JUST FOR TODAY: I don't have to act on everything that I think or feel. I can have the maturity to weigh out all sides of a situation before choosing how I will act/respond to it. I just can't help feeling a little dumb for dropping one sponsor for being too busy, only to pick up another who is the same way.


johno said...

Its times when my sponsor wasnt available, that I relied on the tools of the program that I had picked up. Our recovery isnt dependent on a person. Its reliant on our HP. The actions I take, make a difference to the way I feel.

Going to a meeting
Talking with a newcomer
Gratitide list
Reading Big Book
Doing the next right thing
Like paying a bill
Eating something
Washing up
Cleaning the fridge

All helps to change the way we feel.

Try giving your sponsor a call, and asking if youcan go through your next step work on the phone.

If he really has what you want, have patience. Ask what you can do in the mean time, until you get to see him. Make the call.

My sponsor wasnt available on a regular basis, during my step work, she gave me prayers to do, and reminded me its HP that I must rely on. I am glad that I did them.

Try all avenues before changing Sponsors.

Namenlosen Trinker said...

Glad to see that you have a sense of humor about it. This might be the single most important quality we have, at least when it comes to the way we view ourselves.