Since last I blogged I've interviewed for a job. I had one interview that I blew off because i really didn't want to be 'tied down to a job'. I'm still holding on to the dream that I can become independently wealthy with my tee shirt business (hahaha). After a couple weeks I came to and called the job and asked for a second chance. I called maybe twice a day for a week before i finally prayed for help, breathed a sigh of relief (quiet surrender) and then within an hour someone from the job called me. I did very good on the interview (despite it being my first in years) and I should be hearing from them soon (after the background check and drug screen). Despite this good news I haven't called in on my present job (which I don't really like) at the local detox and in fact I have been working every available shift in order to bring in extra money. (look at me trying to be responsible!)
I also found a very nice bluetooth earpiece on the ground in a parking lot near my home and i quickly put it in my pocket. I hooked it up to my phone and it worked great (i have two that are broken) after a couple days i decided to put up a sign at the store where i found it, offering the owner an opportunity to claim his property. (conscience wouldn't let me just keep it).
I have a major event this weekend (NA Convention) in a neighboring state and I have a great group of guys joining me - we should have a lot of fun and make a nice profit. I believe that God is performing good works in my life.
I have been answering calls on the crises line lately and I am concerned with the number of people who are calling because they just need someone to talk to. I think that loneliness is such a difficult thing for people to deal with. Whether you're a person in recovery, or someone with a mental illness, elderly or even a "normal" person. I had this bright idea that I'd like to bounce off anybody that just happens to be still awake after reading this much of my boring crap. I want to see what it would take to creat a "Phone Line". The kind where people can call in and chat with each other - no sex, no hooking up, just a vehicle for bored people to kill time talking to other bored people. If people meet each other - that's on them but this line wouldn't be marketed for that kind of stuff. I think it'd be great and maybe there's some government funds or some rich do-gooder out there who'd be interested in financing it. Anyway, that's my bright idea of the month - anybody got feedback?
Just for today, God is sooooooooo good, especially when I let Him be.
I think your phone line is a neat idea...I kind of use the blogosphere for a similar purpose...just to connect.
I feel like your blog would be a valuable resource for other people in recovery at my recovery blog list. Please take a moment and sign up if you would like to take part @
Also I've designed a cool sobriety time counter that you can add to your blog here:
please email me at if you have any suggestions or questions about the site =)
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