Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I'm It !?!?

There's this "Tag you're It kinda thing going around and it's been uh, 'spread it to me' so beware cuz it might be coming your way. Actually I am grateful that I was thought about and included in something fun like this...

Here's The Rules:
1. Each player must post these rules first.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Well here goes nothing:
1. I think I have slept with about 700 women in my life - this isn't something i am bragging about, it's just a random fact (?) and actually it's more of an indication of growth considering that for the past three plus years I have been completely monogamous - a testimony to the fact that we can recovery from all sorts of conditions.
2. I am an artist of sorts - as a kid i won all kinds of contests with my free hand sketches. As an adult I design quite a bit of artistic creations (masterpieces i call them) using only digital technology. even though things change, somethings never change.
3. I was born & raised in Chicago, Illinois - moved to Ohio and untimately found recovery - travelled recently to Chicago to speak at a recovery function and was introduced as an out of town speaker... I felt a little confused.
4. I have four children - one young enough to be a my grand-child and I take care of him while his mom works (whew !)
5. Since I have been in recovery I have taught myself how to build, repair & upgrade computers & computer networks as well as design and maintain websites and started my own business in an area completely unrelated to computer technology.
6. I was the first male in my area to work 12 steps - after which i promptly relapsed - talk about celebrating.
7. At the age of 32 while still "using" a college basketball coach attempted to recruit me as a walk on. At age 42 I still regularly play pick-up basketball games with guys as young as 16 years old (whew !) despite being an accomplished cigarette smoker.
8. I am overflowing with gratitude for many things including the fact that I can still even count to 8 after 25 years of introducing mind changing, mood altering substances of all kinds into my body.


I am passing this on to the following bloggers (I chose these people because I like the things that they have to say) :

Icarus Swordfish
An Irish Friend Of Bill
The Junky's Wife
Ceasless Random Mutterings
In The Mind Of A Maniac


joy said...

Hah! I had a feeling that by introducing meme-sickness into the recovery blog world, I'd get tagged multiple times. I think I started this one...I'm debating passing it on, but I fear it will just cycle and cycle until we're all meme junkies, scratching at our eyes and repeating the same eight facts about ourselves...

This one has been kind of fun, though, because it gives you a little window past the normal recovery stuff that we read about each other.

Thanks for the tag!

Anonymous said...

700? Jesus, I thought I was a slut. (but my mom told me to sleep with boys 'cause it makes you popular!) (j/k) 700 women must have been incredibly complicated though. with guys you just wring 'em out and throw 'em away. they don't like sticking around anyway. sometimes i'm so glad i'm gay!

hey, THANKS for playing!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jesus, you tagged me back! DOH! Ok, I'll do it again.