Monday, August 6, 2007

De Ja Vu...?

Yeah everything is looking very familiar to me. I have definitely been here before. I have a major event coming up and I am falling behind. Organization is not my strong point, but the temptation to start blaming those around me can be. I am fairly decent at organizing, but the bigger the project the greater the pressure that I put on myself. Maybe its fear of failure, inadequacy, letting others down - or maybe it's all or none of the above. Whatever it is, I have to concentrate extra hard and keep putting one foot in front of the other. The 'forces of evil' seem to be at work telling me to procrastinate, or look at what other people on the team are NOT doing. But I am hip to that game - that's all counter-productive. I can do this. We can do this. Whether it's a big business deal, being faithful in my marraige, raising my kids or staying clean on a daily basis. The truth of the matter is: there are going to be some challenges, some will be very difficult and I am allowed to bend, I just will not break. I have too many resources and too much power on my side. The love of a worldwide fellowship, friends, family, God and all that I have learned and become in my recovery process. Just for today: sometimes I have to be my own Coach, Cheerleader and Therapist, because I am a member of the "Whatever It Takes" club. I will do whatever it takes to stay clean, stay on the path & keep growing in my recovery.


An Irish Friend of Bill said...

Good luck with the project!!

erinsav said...

I can usually identify with people pretty easily but I have to say I do it a lot with your posts.

I guess procrastination and finding faults in others is probably a pretty common theme but I don't think that many people like to admit it the way you just have.

I have blogged endlessly about these same flaws in myself. Sometimes they are under control and other times...not so much.

The fact that you see these things in yourself and try to do something about it is something to be really proud of.