Thursday, August 2, 2007


There's nothing really going on in my life today, and I sometimes have the tendency to not write when there's no drama. For some reason I think drama makes for more interesting reading. But in this new pathway of life that I travel, I understand the importance of recognizing and appreciating the serenity and peace of 'just another day'. I have a tremendous amount of gratitude today for the absence of chaos, good health, a bright outlook on my future and another day clean. I think I had a spiritual experience today driving through town listening to my stereo, there was an 'oldie'(from way back in the 90's) playing and it just 'took me there'. I was singing out loud and smiling and flooded with great emotions and memories of a time gone by. It was awesome. When the song went off, I thanked God for all the beauty in my life today especially the ability to feel again. Just for today; I know that everything I feel won't be joyous, but I am so very grateful for those feelings that are. What an unbelievably good day to be clean.


An Irish Friend of Bill said...

music takes us to some GREAT places.
glad you are feeling good today! yeah its very easy to ge 'sucked in' by the drama. but the other stuff is just as real too..

erinsav said...

I had been feeling similar to you, I was having trouble coming up with topics to blog about and it dawned on me...everything was going good.

I guess it takes a moment of clarity to realize when you have peace of mind. Enjoy it, peace of mind equals happiness...what more could you really ask for out of life?