Friday, May 25, 2007


People around me aren't staying clean and someone recently died. the treatment centers stay filled and The Detox Center is always busy. I have sponsees that I haven't heard from in a while now & there are those who keep relapsing again & again. Some people are homeless, jobless, penniless, in poor health, mourning the loss of loved ones, insane, hopelessly addicted to substances that will kill them. I won't forget to mention the children - the helpless victims of those caught up in active addiction, the family members exhausting themselves in fruitless attempts to help the addicted person. Today someone is out there committing crimes & degrading themselves in the futile quest to get "just one more" of something that they can never get enough of. Families, careers, futures, relationships & dreams are being destroyed today. God is reaching out His loving hand to someone today who will never know the comfort, strength, peace, calm & fulfillment waiting to be found there in Him. Here I lie complaining about my shoes when there are those who have no feet - sometimes i could just slap the shit outta myself. Oh well such is humanity, prone to occasional failures, errors, set-backs and shortcomings. Just for today I will be grateful for what I have and I will tell the disease to kiss my ass when it tries to have me focus on what I don't have.


cblaze said...

Find addiction treatment, rehab and recovery resources for alcoholism, drug abuse and other addictions.

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

yep that sounds about right. i feel the same way when i notice my ability to look for what I dont have when others have a great deal more to be concerned about. i like the bautiful day u2 lyric, 'what you don't have, you don't need it now. what you don't know, you can feel it somehow'. works for me! Have a nice weekend!