Thank God for the clarity borne of a difficult situation. In the midst of my personal struggles with powerlessness I have discovered that my Higher Power is awesome ! I thank Him for all that He is in the midst of focusing on what life and people are not. I thank God for His "UNCONDITIONAL" love and "FORGIVENESS" I am learning to draw comfort from knowing that regardless of what does or doesn't happen in my life (losses, failures or transgressions) God's characteristics don't change. I can never do so much wrong that He turns His back on me. Woo Hoo that is good news ! As a matter of fact that is the best news in the world for an addict like me who often seeks approval and love and forgiveness and understanding from people. That was such a fallible & faulty plan - as people do tend to fall short and let you down from time to time and yet God loves, and He keeps on loving and understanding and accepting and forgiving NO MATTER WHAT.
Just for today this is my comfort and my rock! I am building my new house on this foundation. I will strive to live according to the characteristics that I have attributed to my Higher Power.
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