Day by day i move forward. I haven't laid down and died yet and i don't think that i will. Whew ! Thank you God for strengthening me through this ordeal. Thank you for surrounding me with your prescence, with your angels & spokespersons. Everyone who has talked to me, prayed for me, sat with me & cried with me - thanks from the bottom of my heart - i promise to try and be of service to the next person who will come behind me. Today I thank God for this experience - not that I am glad to have felt the pain, nor am I glad that I have caused harm - but I am grateful for the clarity and the growth that I am experiencing as a result of. I see my life and my Higher Power much diferently now. I even look at my recovery differently. Today i understand that either God is or He ain't. That trusting Him is not easy but it's not as hard as I want to believe that it is either. That by trusting in Him I have nothing to fear. I also understand that complancency can set in in a relationship just like in recovery. I understand that sometimes a relapse can be the jarring experience that brings about a more rigorous application of my program and this applies to my relationships as well as my recovery. I understand that for as much as I have grown - I have not arrived and...
Just for today I have work to do if I want to receive the rewards of a life filled with serenity & God's love.
P.S. Just an update: my relationship is still gone. After numerous discussions I have surrendered to the fact that I am powerless. I am not at all happy about this but I am grateful for the many many blessings in my life today and for my life. I won't question God's decisions anymore. I am not done hurting, but fool that I am - I continue to hope, even though it's been said that all hope is gone. Maybe in time I will learn to let that go to. All i know is that I am going to take continue to take the awesome suggestions that I have received from my friends in both fellowships (Irish Friend - I love you!)
Once again the message is hope - that I ain't gotta use DOPE no matter what, come HELL, HIGHWATER or the breakup of the best relationship that I've ever had in my life.
A Hundred Thousand Angels. Bliss
Simon Webbe - No Worries
these are great tunes and i think you can buy em on itunes now..
good luck. keep up the good work!
keep on keepin on..
You are so awesome ! Thank you. Those songs are great - I am listening to them right now & i have been listening to them all day. I believe that you are one of the 100,000 angels ! Keep sharing the hope. Love you. is a free social-networking/blogging site for people in recovery. We strive to use technology to extend support networks, access to information and enable people in recovery to connect across geographic boundaries. Your recovery blog offers valuable insight. We would like to syndicate your writings on our site. We'll handle the whole process of setting up an account, as well as syndicating your content from your blog feed. Just email us at syndicate at mysoberlife dot com.
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