Thank God for HELP. I had a call late last night (2:00am) from a newcomer needing HELP. So here I am trying to get some sleep before my 7am shift when; for no apparent reason, I just wake up and then my cell phone rings. The caller ID displayed this guys name, whom I had just met a week ago at a meeting. Without thinking I answered the call. And boy was he was in a crises situation. He shared the details and his feelings and I shared understanding, support and my experience (having been in a similar spot). After about 10-15 minutes of talking & listening we actually shared a few laughs and ended the call. I thought this incident was noteworthy not because I am some "helluva" recovering addict that always goes the extra mile for his fellow addict. I share this because sometimes God will give us opportunities to show love and support to a fellow human being. In doing this I can (as the program suggests) keep what I have because I have given it away. God is awesome and His plan is perfect (not always to my liking or understanding) but perfect none-the-less I choose to believe today. I went to bed after this call feeling very good, because as I shared with my late night caller (a newcomer with less than 60 days clean) God was sharing with me (a newcomer with almost 3 years clean).
Just for today, I am grateful for the Courage, Trust & Faith needed to walk this path with optimism and eagerness. God, I thank you.
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