Monday, January 14, 2008

Brand New...

great day - God is good.
no doubt.
i have discovered that i am but a small insignificant spec in the grand scheme of things in this life.
i have learned that the scope of my power and control extends about .02mm from my person. if that far.
i believe that the only thing i actually have control over is my actions and even then the outcomes are out of my hands.
awesome to finally be on the right page in life.
makes things a lot easier for me - now i dont hafta keep exhausting myself with worry over how i am going to 'make everything and everybody act right' lol.
yeah that was an "LOL" i laugh today.
i smile and i feel good and it's a freedom that is based on surrender, not a hatred or disdain for another individual.
today i choose to face reality and leave the fantasy world of "myabe if i just do this", or "how can i change that" behind.
i realize that God has ALL the power and that is ok today.
i also relize that everything that I have in life is a gift from God, that means my friends, family, material possessions, my recovery, my health and my life. I have been blessed in great abundance and on a daily basis i have to thank God for these gifts, and also remind myself that it is all just for today. tomorrow isnt promised i could lose the house the car the job the family and everything else at any given moment so it is important that i appreciate and cherish everything in my life everyday. and when things are removed i remind myself that God is still good even though i dont know what His plan is, i know ti is a good one. and i proceed to thank Him for the time that i did have whatever was removed.
This is a simple program full of basic truths, i believe that we all have a choice: we can get with it from the very start or we can walk our asses through the fire and then get motivated.
i guess you know which path i had chosen for myself.
but no more.
this time my first step means something to me, a whole lot more than as pertains to drugs; its about any area of my life where i might find myself trying to exert some control, any area that has become unmanageable.
today i am extremely thankful to God for my life - a life that a few days ago seemed so awfully dark and hopeless, a life that is now rich with possibilities and opportunities.
my relationships have been strengthened, my understandings have deepened, thelevel of respect from others and for myself has ironically grown - who woulda thought that all along God had something good waiting for me on the other side...
everybody that loves me knew
the disease just wouldnt let me trust and believe.
just for today.
thank you God for every little thing in my life.

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